
Sunday, 19 June 2011

Installing WHS 2011 on “headless” hardware using AutoUnattend.xml

As a follow up on my previous post “Installing Server 2008 R2 unattended” here is a follow up on how to install “Windows Home Server 2011” on “headless” hardware.

WHS 2011 is a bit different when it comes to running setup.exe, and its therefore not enough to just put a AutoUnattend.xml in the root of the installation media. Also, for reasons I don’t know, Microsoft have decided to implement the possibility to automate the installation with use of a Cfg.ini file, in fact most of the “how-to” I found on the web is based around the Cfg.ini solution.

I think the Cfg.ini solution is okay, but having a mindset focused around xml files I decided to write a guide based on AutoUnattend.xml. Notice I have yet to find the (big) advantage compared to Cfg.ini, so for now the only “exclusive” settings I will do is around Internet Explore.

Let´s go!


WARNING – After creating the USB stick, booting on this stick WILL clean your hard disk, so be careful rebooting you workstation if you are not sure on the boot order.

To get started you need the following:

· A (properly licensed) Windows Home Server 2011 DVD.
· An empty USB stick, minimum 8GB.

Step One - Prepare the USB stick

Insert the USB key in your workstation. Press “Windows Key + R” to open the run dialog, and type “diskpart” followed by “OK”. If you have UAC activated you will have to confirm. Please have in mind that you now have easy access to cleaning all disk´s in you system, so be careful.


In diskpart follow these steps:

Type “list disk” to get an overview over the disk attached to you system.


Using the size, locate the disk number of your USB drive. In my case the disk number is “4”, in the following commands please remember to replace the number with the correct number on your system. Type the following series of commands:

Select Disk 4
Create Partition Primary
Select Partition 1
Format Quick fs=ntfs label=WHS2011 (Important, no spaces in the label name)
Assign (assign the first available letter, in my case “I”)
Active (Important, if you forget this command it is not possible to boot on the USB key)

You should now have an empty USB key that can be accessed like you normal access an USB key, if that´s the case type “Exit” to close the Diskpart window.

Step Two – Copy the “Windows Home Server 2011” installation files to the USB key

Copy all the content from the WHS2011 DVD to the root of the USB key.


Step Three (Optional) – Add drivers for automatic installation

If you have drivers that you would like to be injected during the installation (eg. drivers for your NIC), it can be done in a pretty simple way. Please note that it only works for drivers in .inf format.

Create a folder on the root of the USB key named “Drivers”.


Place all your drivers in this folder. In the AutoUnattend.xml we will add this location, including subfolders, to be searched for .inf files. Here is an example where I add Realtek NIC drivers.


Step Four – Edit the AutoUnattend.xml

(You can edit the AutoUnattend.xml file using notepad, remember to save the edited file with the .xml extension)

Right now we have a bootable USB “Windows Home Server 2011” media. In order to make the installation “unattended” we have to add an AutoUnattend.xml file with all our settings to the root of the USB key.

You can download the a working AutoUnattend.xml here. (it´s a .zip file containing the xml file and cmd file described in step five)

I´m not going to explain all the settings in the AutoUnattend.xml file, but will cover the ones that can be changed.

Regional Settings

The following settings define the regional/language settings. Please notice that the WHS2011 only have one UI language, so for the US edition do not change the <UILanguage> setting. You can see a list of language values here

In my case (Denmark) i will change




Drive Configuration

The drive configuration is based on the recommendations from Microsoft. There are 3 partitions:

System Partition – 100 MB
OS Partition – 60GB
Data Partition – The rest

If you want to change the size of the partition for the operating system you can edit the following lines:


More advanced editing is only recommended if your experienced in working with the WAIK/OPK kit.


Because different hardware configuration can result in different drive letter assignment to the USB key, I have added three locations to look for drivers. If you have a lot of hard disk´s or a card reader or something you can add more locations.

<PathAndCredentials wcm:action="add" wcm:keyValue="1">
<PathAndCredentials wcm:action="add" wcm:keyValue="2">
<PathAndCredentials wcm:action="add" wcm:keyValue="3">

Computer Name

To change the default name replace “MyWHS2011” with a name of your choice.


Internet Explore

Just to prove the advantage with AutoUnattend.xml compared to Cfg.ini I have added the following Internet Explore settings:

Start Page

<StartPage wcm:action="add">

Disable “First Run Wizard” (the annoying wizard you get when you run IE8 for the first time)


Disable IE “Enhanced Security Configuration” (If you are going to use your servers browser more than one time, you want to disable ECS)


If you don’t want these settings I recommend only deleting the values.

Administrator Password

If you want to set the Administrator password during “Initial Configuration” it is important to leave the password value “Admin”. If you use anything else but “Admin” the password provided during “Initial Configuration” will not be used, and you will get a error in the end about the Administrator password has not been changed. 

If you do want to change the default Administrator password then replace ”Admin” with your own password.


If you change the default “AdministratorPassword” you also have to change the following to match it


Edit 01-07-2011:

In the first version of the guide and sample xml file I used another default password. That resulted in a error at the end of the installation. In the OPK I found that using “Admin” as a password would allow the Administrator password to be changed during “Initial Configuration”.

Step Five – Copying AutoUnattend.xml and winpehook.cmd to the USB key

Copy the AutoUnattend.xml and winpehook.cmd (can be found in the zip folder with the AutoUnattend.xml) to the root of the USB key.


Step Six – Install WHS2011 to you server

Now you need your server to boot on the USB key. If you have a “headless” server it will most likely boot to USB if no boot info is found on the HDD. That means that it can be necessary to move your hard drive to another system to clean it, or use the chance to buy a new drive.

If everything goes right your server installation will now start, and be “completed” within 30-90 min. depending on your hardware.

If your installation success your server will request, and get, an IP address from your router. Look in the DHCP client list of your router to get the IP address.

Please notice that the “base” Server 2008 R2 OS will be installed pretty quick, and your server will appear in your router. That´s not the same as it´s ready for “Initial Configuration”, wait for the link in next step to be active.

Step Seven – “Initial Configuration” of your server

With a normal Windows client/server installation we would be done now. With WHS2011 we still need to configure the “Home Server” part of the installation.

If you have a screen attached to the server, you can just logon and complete the configurations steps. If you have a “headless” server you can use the following URL in a browser (preferred IE):




Using Internet Explore, you will get a window like this


You will now get a “pop-op” error, so you have to accept pop-up from the website, and reload to continue


You should now get a new window with the first page of the initial configuration.


Go through the required steps. When you get to “Personalize your server” you can change the name of the server. Please notice that you can not change the password. You can type a new one, and it looks like its changed, but its not. That means when you log on to the server for the first time with RDP or the connector, you have to use the password provided in AutoUnattend.xml.


On the final page you will get a message saying that the server is setup, but with some alerts. The alert is because the administrator password did not get changed. When you logon you will get instructions on how to change it.

Edit 01-07-2011:

If you are using the sample xml from after 01-07-2011 you will not see this error.


Step Eight – Connect to you server

You should now be able to connect to your server with both “Remote Desktop” and the Connector software/webpage with

User: Administrator
Password : P@ssw0rd



I have tested the provided files several time on Hyper-V, but haven´t had the time to do an test on real hardware. I will get this done soon, and edit the guide if there are any challenges.

The most common error would properly be that hardware does not boot on the USB device. Next issue could be storage or NIC drivers. If the boot image on the WHS2011 DVD does not support your storage controller, the installation fails.

If you want to test if the USB key is bootable, you can test it on your own computer but it is VERY important to remove the AutoUnattend.xml and winpehook.cmd files first.

If you have any problems please leave a comment, and i would try to assist.


  1. Hi Torben,

    At last someone who has managed to figure out how to perform a proper OEM style install for home server 2011. Many thanks.

    I've used your XML file and it works all ok. Just a few questions.

    1) Can I get rid of the error message at the end about the password not changing.
    2) All over Microsoft's material, they talk about installing the OS, running sysprep in Audit mode, installing all your drivers and configs and then running sysprep in oobe mode. I've done that and it never produces the correct Out of box experience like your xml file. Is that your experience?

    Many thanks again.


  2. Hi Leonard

    Sorry for the late reply. I looked in the OPK help file, and found that if you set the administrator password in the xml file to "Admin" you can set the password during "Initial Configuration". This also means that you avoid the warning in the end.

    For the sysprep question i will do a seperat post.

  3. Can you recommend a way to create the bootable usb drive using windows xp? diskpart does not locate usb drives in xp unfortunately.

  4. This set of instructions worked without a hitch for me installing WHS 2011 on an HP Mediasmart Serve EX485. Thanks. I had seen other instuctions online, but they did not work for me. Much appreciated!

  5. After trying other websites, this website provides the BEST information.I worked for me GREAT.I was able to upgrade my ex 495 to WHS 2011.

    Note AND STEPS

    The hard drive you are installing to should be FORMATED ( a quick format will do)
    Use a Thumb drive /USB Drive that is bootable ( 8gB)- Google how to make a USD Drive bootable

    Copy the files from the WHS Disk over to the Thumdrive using COmmand prompt is best( Hidden files are also copied this way) google how to do it/youtube

    Download the utoUnattend.xml and winpehook.cmd to the USB key ( see above , there is a link provied)

    When you plug in your USB drive the back of the Server make sure the server is off.

    Turn the server on and wait for it to load. Do nothing else...

    If all goes well the BLUE light in from on the server will blink BLUE after 20 min...BLUE IS GOOD

    Go to your servers ip ( www."server ip") - server ip is your server ip. and the rest is strait forward...

  6. Any way to set up so it can install the product key as well. plus i want to add source folder for oem machines.

  7. After reading instructions from multiple sites, I decided to follow these instructions to upgrade my EX495. Worked like a charm. Thanks for sharing.

  8. I tried installing on a HP N40L. It seems to go back to the same file installation steps after every reboot. I'm wondering if my hard drive is not formatted or being recognized. Any suggestions? Can I configure the drive in BIOS?

    1. Once it finishes doing the install, as soon as it restarts pull out the USB Key.
      This allows it to finish the rest of the install

  9. annam rajashekar25 April 2013 at 13:02

    very nice.......

  10. First of all, thank you much for the wonderful instruction. I have followed your guidance however, there is no activity on my WHS.

    I do have several questions below in hope you or someone can help me with.

    1. The new HDD, should I format it first? If yes, should it be NTFS format?
    2. I use the BRAND NEW HDD without any format and the activity light on WHS is solid light (bright) blue. The activity light in my USB doesn't make anything (no activity indication). Is it a good wait?
    3. I have HP WHS EX485 and I plugged my USB at the bottom USB port on the back. A good place to use? If no, which one is the best?

    Thanks much for your help. Much appreciated.


  11. The Link to Dropbox is down ...
